Sleepless Browser is a web browser that doesn’t sleep automatically.

Do you find it inconvenient when your browser automatically sleeps when you look away from the screen for a moment?
Sleepless Browser enables you to keep browsing web pages without having your device go to sleep mode.

Sleepless Browser has a screen lock feature

Do you struggle to keep a video playing for your child without interruption or accidentally switching to another screen?
Sleepless Browser has a screen lock feature that prevents unintentional operation by disabling touch screen.
Recommended for such a case and such a person
  • When using a recipe website for cooking.
  • While viewing videos online
  • If you prefer not to switch the screen.
  • People who use websites that are updated in real-time.
  • People who develop websites that are updated in real-time.
  • People who utilize websites that transmit data.
  • People who develop websites that transmit data.